Arturia Vox Continental V


Virtual Organ modeled after the Classic Vox Continental – AAX, RTAS, VST, AU (Mac/Windows)

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The Vox Continental V is our latest vintage keyboard recreation, bringing back the classic sound of the famous Vox Continental 300. This classic organ was used on some of the most famous songs by the greatest bands of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and beyond, the Vox Continental V will give you instant access to these hit making sounds and more.

The Vox Continental was originally created by the Jennings Musical Instrument (JMI) company in 1962. JMI had been in the organ business since the 50’s, mostly making home and church organs. There were a number of models all based on the Continental that were released with various feature differences. The Continental, Super Continental, Jaguar, Corinthian, Baroque and the 300 were the different models. The 300 was the most advanced with the equivalent of a Continental on the lower keyboard and an expanded Continental on the upper with different drawbars.

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In Depth

In about 1967 Tom Jennings was fired from his own company after a buyout. He then started up the Jennings Electronic Instruments (JEI) company and began making his own organs again. These organs were based on the Continental 300 but further expanded with more drawbars on the upper keyboard, and expanded percussion section, added Tremolo and spring reverb as well as some TONE presets.
The sound of the Vox organs caught on fast and they became a staple of the British invasion sound used by the Animals, The Beatles, The Zombies, and more.

The Vox was used on songs such as The Animals – House of the Rising Sun, The Doors – Light my Fire, Iron Buttterfly’s In-A-Gadda-Da-Vid, Tom Petty’s Don’t do me like that and by artists such as Madness, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan, The Velvet Underground, and many many more.
Still a classic and still in great demand the prices of Vox organs has recently gone through the roof and has put them out of the price range of most people. Until now that is.

We started by modeling the circuit designs of the classic and rare Vox Continential 300 dual manual organ and captured every nuance of the original down to the key contact timing and background noises. This gives you all the smooth mellow tones and that cutting hard tone that the Vox was known for.
We did not stop there however, we also acquired a rare Jennings J70, which Tom created after he left Vox. We then added a Jennings J70 mode to the voice engine. You don’t just get 1 rare organ but you get 2 ultra rare organs in one software.
As if this was not enough, we then added the Arturia flair and put in an EXPANDED mode that gives you a full compliment of drawbars on both the upper and lower manuals and added a third tone drawbar based on what we think a Vox would sound like with a SAW wave as a base tone. Now you can create sounds that have never been made before with the original organs.
You get our TAE modeled circuitry of both the upper and lower manuals of the Vox that can be used via multiple MIDI controllers or with a single manual controller. The Bass section adds that rich low end.

We included a number of effects that you can use to modify your sounds with. You get a collection of vintage stomp boxes that will distort, flange, delay and create all kinds of tones and textures to your sounds.
Feed the output either directly out or via a classic guitar amp or Leslie speaker. The guitar amp has multiple cabinet and mic models so that you can simulate a great number of sounds from a clean sound like the Monkey’s I’m a Believe to the aggressive sounds of Iron Butterfly’s In-a-gadda-da-vida and beyond.
We also have a convolution reverb that will give realistic reverb sounds based on a number of impulse responses from classic spring reverbs.


  • Physical Modeling of the VOX Continental 300.
  • Added models of the ultra rare Jennings J70.
  • Extended mode allows for more controls and more sound possibilities.
  • Includes classic stompbox-type modeled effects.
  • Modeled Guitar Tube Amp and Rotary Speaker outputs for vintage live sound.
  • Extensive MIDI mapping of pedals, effects and sound engine parameters.
  • Modeled amplifiers: *Fender Deluxe Reverb Blackface, Fender Twin Reverb Blackface, Fender Bassman, Marshall Plexi, Leslie Speaker.
  • Modeled microphones: *Shure SM57, Sennheiser MD 421, Neumann U 87.
  • Convolution reverb with custom classic spring reverbs.