Recording Software EXCLUSIVE | Amplitube Bundle

AmpliTube 4 is a guitar and bass tone studio for Mac/PC that works as a standalone application and as a plug-in for your favorite DAW. AmpliTube 4 comes with the built-in Custom Shop gear store feature that allows you to add gear to your collections any time a-la-carte or via collections. This bundle includes Amplitube Slash, a… Read More

Recording Software EXCLUSIVE | Eventide Bundle

Eventide was founded in 1971 and is best known for the H910 Harmonizer. Besides creating some of the best hardware boxes on the market they have been creating plug-ins of their legendary hardware, such as Blackhole, Tverb and UltraChannel, In this video Jerry gives us a crash course on these Eventide  plugins showing how to add life to… Read More

Recording Software EXCLUSIVE | McDSP Mix Bundle

 McDSP creates software for Music Production, Live Sound, Post Production, Game Audio and iOS apps. For the last 20 years they have defined themselves as an industry standard and used by Andrew Scheps, Mike Dean and Tony Maserati. This video showcases the AE600 Active Equalizer, ML8000 Advanced Limiter and 6050 Ultimate Channel Strip where Jerry runs through… Read More