Kuassa Efektor WF3607 Wah Filter


Guitar pedal wah filter effect with 6 types – Mac/PC VST/VST3/AU/AAX

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Wah / Filter FX Engine
Designed to mimic the “wa wa” sound from a Wah pedal. WF3607 features 6 modes of filtering effect taken from the familiar crybaby sound to funky synth-like filters.

In the 1920s guitar players were fascinated by the “wa wa wa” sound made by trumpet players by opening and closing their mutes. Its filtering effect alters the resonance of the instrument and it feels to increase the “funky” expressiveness of guitar playing.

More than 40 years later, an accidental invention resulted in a device that forever changes the sound of guitar. This pedal eventually known as the Cry Baby*. Next, in the 1970s, an aborted synthesizer project resulted in an similar “wah wah” effect, which later known as Mu-Tron* III envelope filter. These two devices revolutionized almost every genre of music as we know it today.

Select from 6 types filter modes:

  • CB: Dunlop™ Cry Baby*
  • AX: Vertex™ Axis Wah*
  • VG: Vox™ Grey Wah*
  • MuLP: Mu-Tron™ Low Pass*
  • MuBP: Mu-Tron™ Band Pass*
  • MuHP: Mu-Tron™ High Pass*


  • Three types of wah and three envelope filters.
  • More parameters to tweak than regular wah pedals
  • Bypass button
  • Stereo linking
  • Plug a MIDI expression pedal for true wah-wah rocking action

Amplifikation 360 (A360) is a modular “playground” for stacking pedals, amps, and cabs to create the perfect sound you want. Immediately combine every Kuassa guitar plug-ins you own inside Amplifikation 360

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