eMedia Piano and Keyboard Method PC
Piano Instructional Software – 300 Lessons, 70 Videos, Animated Keyboard – Mac/PC
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Learn How to Play Piano Today with Piano Lessons from the Leader in Beginner Piano Software
Over 300 easy-to-follow, step-by-step piano lessons from Irma Irene Justicia, M.A., who has taught at the renowned Juilliard School of Music. Innovative Interactive Feedback technology shows you whether you are playing correctly.
Learn how to read music, play piano chords and much more with this complete method. Over 100 easy piano songs including hits from Billy Joel and Elton John make learning how to play piano fun!
eMedia Piano and Keyboard Method is the perfect piano tutorial for learning how to play piano. Even if other beginner piano lessons seemed difficult, this piano software and its interactive approach will keep you engaged and quickly teach you how to play piano well!
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In Depth
- eMedia’s Animated Keyboard that lets you see fingerings for all of the piano lessons, including piano chords, piano scales and songs.
- Interactive Feedback with Note and Finger Tracker to allow the piano software to listen as you play melodies and display your playing accuracy – a great tool for beginner piano instruction that works with both electronic keyboards and acoustic pianos.
- Interactive Performance Evaluation in the piano software, which highlights your playing mistakes and shows what you should have played with an overall score (MIDI keyboard required).
- Lessons on piano basics like how to read piano music, playing accompaniments with piano chords, piano scales, and more.
- Over 70 videos for the piano lessons are included. Split screen views show you how to play piano fingerings and use correct hand positioning.
- Piano lessons include easy piano songs as both audio and MIDI tracks where selections can be looped, slowed or sped up.
- Instrumental accompaniment for select pieces (including orchestral and jazz) to make piano lessons fun.
- A digital metronome to keep you on rhythm and a recorder to help gauge progress and share your playing with others.
- 100 popular classical, blues, pop, and rock songs let you learn how to play piano with hit songs such as Billy Joel’s “Piano Man”, Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”, and Elton John’s “Candle in the Wind”..
I. Playing on Black Keys – Rhythm
The Piano and Keyboard; Direction of Sound; Counting and Time Signatures; Improvisation on Black Keys with Rhythmic Flashcards; Playing Songs on Black Keys.
II. Playing on White Keys – Notes
Introducing Note Reading; Playing Songs on White Keys in Middle C Position.
III. Tempo, Dynamics and Sight Reading
Tempo Markings; Dynamics Markings; More Songs in Middle C Position; Sight Reading with Twisted Melodies.
IV. Both Hands Playing Together
Playing Accompaniments: Songs with Both Hands Playing Together in Middle C Position; the Sharp, Flat and Natural Signs.
V. Legato and Staccato
More Songs in Middle C Position; Counting Dotted Quarter Notes; Playing Legato, Staccato and the Two-Note Slur.
VI. The C Position and Intervals
Introducing Melodic and Harmonic Intervals; Playing Songs in C Position; Creating Melodies and Harmonies.
VII. Chords and Triads
Introducing Chords and Triads; More Songs in C Position; The C and G7 Chords; How To Make Your Own Accompaniment Using the C and G7 Chords; Broken Chords.
VIII. The G Position and Transposition
The G Position: Melodic and Harmonic Intervals; The G and D7 Chords; Playing Songs in G Position; How to Transpose a Song.
IX. The F Position and Hanon
The F Position: Melodic and Harmonic Intervals; The F and C7 Chords; Playing Songs in F Position; Transposing from F to C; Hanon Study.
X. C Major Scale and I-IV-V7 Chord Progression
Extending the Hand Position, New Melodic and Harmonic Intervals; How to Play Scales; The C Major Scale; C Major Chord Progressions; Songs Using New Intervals, C Major Scale, and Chord Progressions.
XI. G and F Major Scales, Chords and Arpeggios
The G Major Scale and Chord Progressions; Songs in G Major; The F Major Scale and Chord Progressions; Songs in F Major; How to Use the Pedal; Hands Crossing Over with Arpeggio Songs in C, G, and F Major.
XII. A Short Trip into the History of Music
Famous Melodies from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic Periods, and 20th Century American Music: Ragtime, Blues, Rock; Patriotic and Holiday Songs.
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