Blue Cat Audio Oscilloscope Multi


Multi-Ttrack Oscilloscope Plug-in – Mac/PC AAX Native, RTAS, VST, AU, DX

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Blue Cat’s Oscilloscope Multi is a unique multiple tracks real time waveform renderer and comparator: it lets you visualize the content of several audio tracks on the same screen and compare them thanks to its X-Y view.

The plugin offers stereo or mid-side channels waveform extraction as well as several synchronization modes. The zooming and precise measurement capabilities let you analyze the waveforms in details, and the XY phase scope view will help you track phase issues within an effect chain or while recording with multiple microphones.

The additional histogram display complements the toolset to check the distribution of the values in the waveform and get an idea of the average peak level.
The four memory slots let you store any waveform in memory: it helps you make comparisons between several setups or portions of your audio project very easily.
Thanks to Blue Cat’s skinning language support and the included window opacity management feature, you can adapt the plug-in user interface to your personal needs and enhance your workflow.

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In Depth


  • Multiple tracks real time oscilloscope: visualize and compare the waveform of several audio tracks on the same screen.
  • Waveform display with loop, flow and trigger modes.
  • Histogram display.
  • Dual channel XY phasescope view (Lissajous) for easy phase cancelation and mono compatibility issues detection on multiple tracks or within an effect chain.
  • Latency compensation capability to align waveforms.
  • Choose a name for each curve for easier sharing.
  • Animated zoom for all displays.
  • Precise measurement capabilities.
  • Save the curves for easy A/B comparison.
  • Left-Right or Mid-Side operation modes
  • Unique data sharing technology with multi-core processors support.
  • Opacity control for the user interface.


  • Available as: Mac-AAX, Mac-AU, Mac-RTAS, Mac-VST, Mac-VST3, Win-AAX, Win-DX, Win-RTAS, Win-VST, Win-VST3, Win x64-AAX, Win x64-DX, Win x64-VST, Win x64-VST3.
  • Native DSP code for optimal performance.
  • Full MIDI control and automation support with silent, zipper-free parameters update, advanced response control and MIDI Learn.
  • No CPU load on idle: when the plug-in is fed with silence, the processing smoothly shuts down, to optimize the CPU usage of your Digital Audio Workstation.
  • Skinnable and customizable user interface with transparency management.
  • Smooth Bypass: activate/deactivate the plug-in with absolutely no noise.
  • Undo/Redo.
  • Full featured integrated presets manager.
  • Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances using the system clipboard.
  • Any sample rate supported.