Blue Cat Audio MB-7 Mixer
7-band Multiband Mixing Plug-in – Mac/PC AAX Native, RTAS, VST, AU, DX
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Each band proposes controls that can be found on a mixing console, and more: bypass, mute or solo each band separately to isolate frequencies you want to work on, adjust the gain, the “stereoness” and the position in the stereo field. When manipulating the stereo image, a master mono switch also lets you check mono compatibility.
The plug-in can also operate as a multiband VST, VST3 and Audio Unit host: you can process each band independently with your favorite VST, VST3 or Audio Unit plug-ins! Up to four plug-ins can be loaded on each band, pre or post fader. Latency compensation, presets management, undo/redo integration, and individual plug-in bypass are included for optimal operation.
The plug-in also proposes unique linking and grouping options thanks to our multi-instances technology. You can link bands together within a single instance or between several instances of the plug-in on different tracks. This lets a simple fader control as many bands on as many tracks as you want. This is particularly useful when adjusting the placement or the balance of several competing tracks.
And as usual with Blue Cat Audio, the plug-in provides comprehensive visual feedback to let you know what’s exactly going on: for each channel, monitor the spectrum, the in/out levels and the frequency response.
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In Depth
Thanks to its advanced MIDI and automation input capabilities, when combined with our other plug-ins, Blue Cat’s MB-7 Mixer is capable of advanced side-chaining features that really unveils its potential. Check out our MB-7 Mixer Tutorials for more details.
- Multiband mixing console: adjust the levels, panning and “stereoness” of each band separately.
- Multiband VST, VST3 and Audio Unit Host: insert third party VST, VST3 and AU plug-ins and process each band independently.
- External side chain support for sub plug-ins on each band.
- Flexible Audio routing: connect sub plug-ins i/o to any audio channel for multi-mono effects or creative side chain.
- Pre and post fader VST/VST3/AU plug-in inserts, with full latency compensation.
- Up to 7 bands, with crossover filters from 6 to 96 dB/Oct for optimal separation.
- Multiple instances linking: group bands within a single instance or between multiple instances of the plug-in. Modify the spectrum on multiple tracks with a single slider.
- Bypass, mute, solo on every band.
- Mono switch on master for mono compatibility check.
- Dual Mode: independent left and right or mid and side channels control.
- Complete visual feedback with real time response curves, spectrogram, and levels display for each band.
- Side chaining made easy: a unique way to perform multi-band side chain compression, ducking, gating and much more.
- Fully customizable modular user interface, with multiple sizes.
- No additional latency.
- Available as: Mac-AAX, Mac-AU, Mac-RTAS, Mac-VST, Mac-VST3, Win-AAX, Win-DX, Win-RTAS, Win-VST, Win-VST3, Win x64-AAX, Win x64-DX, Win x64-VST, Win x64-VST3.
- Native DSP code for optimal performance.
- Full MIDI control and automation support with silent, zipper-free parameters update, advanced response control and MIDI Learn.
- No CPU load on idle: when the plug-in is fed with silence, the processing smoothly shuts down, to optimize the CPU usage of your Digital Audio Workstation.
- Skinnable and customizable user interface with transparency management.
- Automation and MIDI output: record output parameters as automation curves or send MIDI CC messages to other plug-ins for powerful side chain effects.
- Smooth Bypass: activate/deactivate the plug-in with absolutely no noise.
- Undo/Redo.
- Full featured integrated presets manager.
- Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances using the system clipboard.
- Any sample rate supported.
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